Upper Back Pain–Common Causes & Natural Cures for Shoulder Pain

What’s the most common cause of upper back pain?  Did you guess your muscles?  You are right!

Muscles are responsible for most of our aches and pains.

But the medical profession doesn’t have the time to figure out why your shoulders or back hurt.  Instead they just write prescriptions to mask the pain.

How come?  Well, it takes Continue reading Upper Back Pain–Common Causes & Natural Cures for Shoulder Pain


What Causes Knots In Your Upper Back

“Knots” or muscle spasms in your upper back happen for a reason.  Or, maybe for a few reasons. 🙂

You see, almost all muscular pain happens for a reason or a cause.  It could be something you’re doing or not doing.

If you figure out the cause and  get rid of the cause, you can get rid of the pain!

Most often the reason for upper back muscle spasms and pain is Continue reading What Causes Knots In Your Upper Back


Curing Scoliosis Isn’t Always Easy

In some earlier articles here about scoliosis (curvature of the spine) I may have made it sound more simple to “fix” than it may be.

Sometimes it’s a lot easier than other times to straighten the curves naturally.  It all depends on what the causes may be.


Should I Take Muscle Relaxers For Back Spasms

Judy says, “Hello,  I have not been able to stop my back spasms.  My dad also has the same problem and he tells me I should see a doctor and be put on muscle relaxers.  I want to, but I’m afraid that after I finish the meds, the spasms will return.”

“Will this be a never ending cycle?”

That was a great question!  Her fear could come true–stop the meds and the pain can come back because she didn’t get rid of the cause.  Most pain has a Continue reading Should I Take Muscle Relaxers For Back Spasms


Scoliosis Self-Help Naturally

I used to have a side-to-side (lateral) scoliosis.  The sleeves on my shirts or coats were always short on one side and long on the other.  That was a symptom of scoliosis but I didn’t know it.

I thought I had one arm that was much longer than the other.

I didn’t realize that my body was rotated and one shoulder was a few inches farther forward than the other.

I used to have pain on my left upper shoulder at my neck.  That was also a symptom.  But I didn’t know it.

Migraine headaches were another symptom of scoliosis.  A twisted spine causes Continue reading Scoliosis Self-Help Naturally


What Causes Scoliosis and How Can You Get Rid Of Abnormal Curves In Your Spine

Scoliosis can be front-to-back curvature or side-to-side (also called lateral.)  This article is about the side-to-side curves.

These excessive curves in your spine can be caused by a few different things.

1.  One or more bones in your spine may Continue reading What Causes Scoliosis and How Can You Get Rid Of Abnormal Curves In Your Spine


Knots In Shoulder Blade With Nerve Pain In Arm

Lia said, “I have had no relief from these knots in my shoulder blade. I am now experiencing almost permanent pins & needles in my right arm and have trouble finding any relief!  Any ideas?”

Well, yes, I do have ideas.  It’s hard knowing what might be going on long distance but I do have ideas.  In this case, I suspect that muscles in the neck are causing both the knots in her shoulder blade and the nerve pain in her arm.

The pins and needles sensation and the knots in her shoulder blades could be caused by Continue reading Knots In Shoulder Blade With Nerve Pain In Arm


Get Rid Of Muscle Spasms In Your Upper Back With Tennis Ball Therapy

Knots or muscle spasms in your upper back can benefit from this simple tool:  a tennis ball.

Tennis balls can be a very easy, cost effective way to get rid of muscle spasms or “knots” near your shoulder blades.  The only thing is, sometimes they are a great way to get rid of knots but sometimes they don’t work as well.

When tennis ball therapy doesn‘t get rid of your muscle knots, it’s because Continue reading Get Rid Of Muscle Spasms In Your Upper Back With Tennis Ball Therapy


Gentle Movement Will Help Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain

Pain in your lower back can often be reduced or eliminated with tiny movements.  You might think something small wouldn’t be effective for pain relief but, in fact, small is big.

You can relax your lower back with gentle, subtle movements.  In fact, that may be the BEST way to find muscle pain relief.

Painful or aching back muscles could be kind of ‘stuck’ and you cannot force them to relax.  They are contracted.  But you might be able to gently guide them into relaxation.

Here’s some background:

When you were born you were curled into a rounded-back position, kind of like a little ball.   After a little while you began to stretch your arms and legs.  Then you rolled over and arched your back in the opposite direction of that newborn position.

You pushed up with your arms and lifted your head.  Why?

You were preparing the muscles around your spine and torso to walk!  You were creating the natural curves in your back that you needed.  If you have ever really looked at a little child, you have seen those curves.

But now you have lower back pain.

You may have lost Continue reading Gentle Movement Will Help Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain


How Massage Helps Painful Muscle Spasm Between Shoulder Blade and Spine

Mary Ann had a painful upper back with muscles spasming between her shoulder blade and spine.  It came on gradually and just kept getting worse.

Finally Mary Ann called me and said the pain in her upper back was bad.  She had been to a chiropractor three times and it didn’t help.

She called me because I’ve been a neuromuscular massage therapist for a very long time.

My specialty is treating the causes of muscle pain.  And that’s Continue reading How Massage Helps Painful Muscle Spasm Between Shoulder Blade and Spine
