What Causes Back Pain And Natural Steps You Can Take For Back Pain Relief

We humans get back pain when our muscles get out of balance.  The good news is that there are steps you can take to get back into muscular balance and to get rid of your back pain naturally!

How does back pain happen?

Well, we are supposed to move, run, jump, climb, roll and continue doing all of the cool, fun things we did as young children.

But most of us do not.  :(

So, we get back pain.  Why?   Discover the rest of the story at:

http://simplepainrelief.com/2010/05/30/what-causes-back-pain/ (<– click the link to go to the article.)

There is so much you can do to get rid of your back pain naturally.  I have faith in you.  I believe you can do it.

You Deserve To Feel Better! 🙂


How Feet Cause Pain In Your Back and Poor Posture

Did you know that your feet can cause back pain?

Your feet are the foundation of your whole skeleton.  They are supposed to have arches (like little bridges) to support the rest of your structure.  But some feet don’t.

Flat arches will cause the rest of the structure–your body–to collapse inward and forward.  This places a lot of strain on your muscles and joints and causes back pain.  It also causes Continue reading How Feet Cause Pain In Your Back and Poor Posture


Gentle Movement Therapy Gives Lower Back Pain Relief

Lower back pain can be helped with gentle, thoughtful movement.

When your lower back muscles are tight, they are not in the mood to stretch or be stretched.  But gentle, repetitive, tiny movements can help them relax.

If you have pain in your lower back small movements work better than trying to “stretch it out.”

I’m looking at a device in a catalog that helps you move in a slow, rhythmic way while you lay on your back.  In fact, this device actually does the movements for you and it costs $199.  But, do you know what?

You can do those movements yourself without the device.  🙂

The idea is that Continue reading Gentle Movement Therapy Gives Lower Back Pain Relief


Ice Is A Great Natural Self-Help Tool For Back Pain

If you have back pain, you may already know what a good friend ice can be.

Lots of folks think they prefer heat for their back pain.  They like the way it feels more than they do ice (and I don’t blame them one bit!)

But as a natural pain relief tool for getting rid of muscle spasms and knots ice offers great benefit.  Heat may actually aggravate your back pain especially Continue reading Ice Is A Great Natural Self-Help Tool For Back Pain


Knots In Your Upper Back? Try Tennis Ball Therapy

Today I’m thinking about Tennis Ball Therapy for a muscle knot in my upper back. Why?

Because I woke up with a knot in my back and it’s bugging me. 🙁

When you have tight muscles on your back that are bugging you, here’s what to do: Use Tennis Ball Therapy!

Here’s how:

Get a tennis ball (or similar ball) and lay on it on the floor. You can use the bed if you have to but the floor gives more pressure.  If you are on your bed, some of the tennis ball is lost in the mattress.  If you’re really Continue reading Knots In Your Upper Back? Try Tennis Ball Therapy


How Sitting Causes Pain In Your Upper Back

Can something as simple as sitting cause upper back pain?

Yes.  Here’s how:

Let’s say you are in your nice comfy recliner.  And let’s say you are reading.  Or doing hand work.  Or using your laptop.

Where is your head?

That’s right.  It is sticking out in front of your body.

When you sit like that often enough your muscles get used to it.  And then no matter Continue reading How Sitting Causes Pain In Your Upper Back


How To Get Rid Of Knots In Your Back

Muscle knots or muscle spasms in your shoulder blade area can be really painful and really annoying, too!

Here’s the simple solution to getting rid of your “knots.”  Just figure out why you have them and then get rid of the cause.  (smile)

I’m not really being a smart aleck.  That actually IS how you can get rid of them.

Knots are Continue reading How To Get Rid Of Knots In Your Back


Natural Anti-Inflammatories For Back Muscle Pain Relief

Did you know there are natural anti-inflammatories?   Ginger and pineapple are two.

Swelling or inflammation can cause back pain by pressing on nerves.  It can also lessen blood flow to muscles.

I’m not an expert in herbs but here’s what I know about how to use ginger.

Of course, it’s in ginger ale and ginger cookies and I believe in my heart that Continue reading Natural Anti-Inflammatories For Back Muscle Pain Relief


Surgery For Low Back Pain Caused By Leg Length Differences

Most people don’t know when they have a leg length difference but they DO know when they have pain in their low back!

Surgery for lower back pain is not offered nearly as much as it used to be.  The reason is because it so often did not help; many patients still had the same pain afterward.

Bill had surgery and still had the same pain after he healed. Years later, he ended up coming to have therapeutic massage and was surprised when I pressed on certain muscles near his waist.  They were tight!

Helping those muscles to relax got rid of a lot of his lower back pain.  But that wasn’t all.

The pain would have come back in short order unless we figured out what was causing the pain.

In Bill’s case, he had a difference in the lengths of his legs.  One was almost 2″ shorter than the other!

When you are walking around on legs that have that much difference (or even much less) you will certainly Continue reading Surgery For Low Back Pain Caused By Leg Length Differences
