You can get rid of your back pain naturally.
I love it!
You see, your body wants to be well. It just needs a little help from you. And sometimes from others who understand how bodies work.
Don’t be afraid to test your own abilities. You have a smart body.
And don’t be afraid to look outside of conventional medicine. Doctors are really smart but they know only what they know.
I seriously do love doctors but most aren’t trained to understand the roles of muscles in causing pain.
And if muscle knots in your upper back are a problem for you, they’re caused by muscle imbalance, too. Muscle imbalance can be fixed. 🙂
Wow! That is so inspiring! Not just for overcoming back pain and walking again but for whatever you want to do that seems impossible.
I love what he said about how just because you can’t do it today doesn’t mean you can’t do it tomorrow. You fall down and you get back up and try again. That is a formula for success in life.
Thanks for sharing this!
Sharon Rose Gibson
Hi Sharon,
Thank you for commenting. I love it, too! Way too often doctors give up on us. Or they never had faith in the first place. But when I hear a story like Arthur’s I LOVE it!
Most doctors just don’t understand how bodies work and why we have pain. I am so happy for Arthur that he saw some glimmer of hope and to DDP for helping him move forward. That was work! Especially for Arthur!
After I first saw the short version of the video I had to research and find out who the Vet was and who DDP was. To them I say: Good Job, Men!
Yes, Sharon, that really is the formula for success in life. Don’t give up. Get back up.
Thank you,
The Pain Relief Coach