Tag Archives: cause of scoliosis

What Is The Cause Of Your Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is an incorrect curvature in the spine.  The spinal curve may be going side to side or front to back or even causing the spine to rotate.

Let’s talk about what might be causing your scoliosis.

Is there a cause for your scoliosis?  Well, bodies are logical.  Things happen for reasons.

Makes sense, right?

It could be that your foundation is tilting.

But many doctors say the curve in your spine is idiopathic.

“Idiopathic” means “no known cause.”  But almost everything has a cause. 

One reader told me the doctor said his curves were idiopathic and that meant natural.  He said there was nothing to do because the bones in the spine were nicely shaped.  He did not see a Continue reading What Is The Cause Of Your Scoliosis?


What Is The Cause Of Scoliosis And How Can You Get Rid Of Your Scoliosis

Are you confused about your scoliosis?  You aren’t alone. Most doctors don’t understand what causes it or know much about it, either.

In fact, they often say it is idiopathic.  That means ‘no known cause.’

Well, maybe.  Sometimes.

Here are some thoughts:

1. Everything has a cause.  It just requires digging to find the root of the problem.

2. Pain medicines will not help you get rid of the curvature in your spine.

3. If you do not get rid of the original causes of your scoliosis your curves will continue to Continue reading What Is The Cause Of Scoliosis And How Can You Get Rid Of Your Scoliosis


Curing Scoliosis Isn’t Always Easy

In some earlier articles here about scoliosis (curvature of the spine) I may have made it sound more simple to “fix” than it may be.

Sometimes it’s a lot easier than other times to straighten the curves naturally.  It all depends on what the causes may be.


Scoliosis Self-Help Naturally

I used to have a side-to-side (lateral) scoliosis.  The sleeves on my shirts or coats were always short on one side and long on the other.  That was a symptom of scoliosis but I didn’t know it.

I thought I had one arm that was much longer than the other.

I didn’t realize that my body was rotated and one shoulder was a few inches farther forward than the other.

I used to have pain on my left upper shoulder at my neck.  That was also a symptom.  But I didn’t know it.

Migraine headaches were another symptom of scoliosis.  A twisted spine causes Continue reading Scoliosis Self-Help Naturally


What Causes Scoliosis and How Can You Get Rid Of Abnormal Curves In Your Spine

Scoliosis can be front-to-back curvature or side-to-side (also called lateral.)  This article is about the side-to-side curves.

These excessive curves in your spine can be caused by a few different things.

1.  One or more bones in your spine may Continue reading What Causes Scoliosis and How Can You Get Rid Of Abnormal Curves In Your Spine


What Causes Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine.  It may be from front to back or from side to side.  There are several causes and the most common cause is muscles pulling on your bones.

Here are some of the most common causes:

If muscles get tight in a certain area they will pull on the bones they are attached to.  It’s similar to a bow and arrow action.  That’s cause number one.

Cause number two of scoliosis is a shortened Continue reading What Causes Scoliosis?


Scoliosis Causes Upper Back Pain

Scoliosis or curvature of the spine can cause upper back pain.  It can also cause pain in your mid-back and other parts of your body.  But, you may not have to have it!

Scoliosis can very often be helped by a muscle specialist.  But there are different types of practitioners.

Is your therapist a doctor? Massage therapist? Physio- or physical therapist?  Different therapists have different training (or lack of) and different ideas.  They may or may not agree with what I say.  They may or may not know much about muscles!

Scoliosis can have a few different causes but Continue reading Scoliosis Causes Upper Back Pain
