Tag Archives: cause of upper back muscle pain

How To Walk To Get Rid Of Upper Back Pain Naturally

Here’s a walking tip that will help your poor upper back  start to feel better naturally.

Did you know there is a right way to swing or move your arms when you walk?  There is!

Moving your arms correctly takes the strain off your upper back muscles.

Here it is:

Thumbs up!

Just as though you are going to  shake hands.

Stand up and look down.  If the backs of  your hands are facing forward, that means the muscles in the front of  your body are short.

Those short muscles are turning your hands like  that.  They are also Continue reading How To Walk To Get Rid Of Upper Back Pain Naturally


What Causes Upper Back Pain In The Morning

You woke up with pain in your upper back.  It may feel like a knot or a muscle spasm.  You aren’t happy.

Muscle knots in upper back
You can get rid of miserable muscle ‘knots’ in your upper back naturally!

Isn’t it truly amazing that we can hurt ourselves in our sleep?  I think so.

Sometimes it’s from something you did the previous day but maybe you just slept “crooked.”

Maybe you laid too long with an arm out in front as you slept on your side and that strained the muscle.

Or perhaps you slept with your neck tilted to one side or the other and that caused an unhappy scalene muscle in your neck. If a muscle  gets unhappy it can develop trigger points.

Trigger points are hyper-irritable places in muscles that refer pain elsewhere.

Trigger points in the scalene muscle can cause a knot or muscle pain in your upper back.  In fact, they do it all the time.

Sometimes this pain in your upper back could be Continue reading What Causes Upper Back Pain In The Morning
