Tag Archives: get rid of knots in your back naturally

How Can A Massage Therapist Tell If You Have Knots In Your Back Muscles

Knots in your back muscles are caused by strain on the muscles (generally.)  “Knots” are actually tender, contracted areas of soft tissue or muscle.

Massage therapy may be an excellent “tool” to help you get rid of your knots or muscle spasms.

How does a massage  therapist find your knots?

Sometimes he or she will kind of just run into them. Either it feels ‘hard’ when all of the other tissue felt softer or a tight area will actually slow the gliding hand of a therapist as it explores and warms muscles.

A muscle knot or spasm feels like a small tight area that is harder then the surrounding tissue and perhaps raised.  Sometimes it feels like a pea or even as big as a tennis ball.  Sometimes nearby tissue is also tight.

Sometimes muscle knots are so obvious that just about anyone can feel them.  Sometimes knots are hidden or less obvious but a Continue reading How Can A Massage Therapist Tell If You Have Knots In Your Back Muscles
