Tag Archives: get rid of pain in your lower back

What’s the Most Common Cause of Lower Back Pain?

Do you know the most common cause of pain in your low back?   Pain in your lower back is almost always caused by muscles.

Here’s what muscles do:

Muscles move bones, joints and disks in your spine.  Bones, joints and disks cannot move unless muscles move them.

Muscles are the prime movers of your body!  You can only move because you have muscles.

But sometimes your muscles get out of balance–that means they are too strong on one side of your body and too weak on the other side.

That’s a problem.  It causes back pain as well as head and neck pain.

Well, it’s not their fault.  They wouldn’t be unhappy and complaining if we did everything perfectly in all of our movements.

But we don’t.  🙁   But we can change. 🙂  Here’s how:

We can add movements that balance our muscles better.  We can use ALL of our muscles instead of the same old ones over and over.  That causes low back pain.

But using All of your muscles will Continue reading What’s the Most Common Cause of Lower Back Pain?


Lower Back Pain and Massage Therapy

Got pain in your lower back?  Want to know how to get rid of it? |

Therapeutic massage could be the ‘magic pill’ that you are seeking to get rid of that low back pain!

Here’s why your lower back aches:

There are muscles on the front and back sides of your body and on the outer sides of your spine.  If any of those muscles get out of balance–some tight and some weaker–you can have lower back pain.

Those muscle can get out of balance from lifting with a rounded back, twisting and tilting while lifting, having a leg length difference, or something as simple as always sitting or sleeping in the same position.

How can a massage therapist help?

If you go to a massage therapist who only rubs your back, that Continue reading Lower Back Pain and Massage Therapy


Gentle Movement Will Help Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain

Pain in your lower back can often be reduced or eliminated with tiny movements.  You might think something small wouldn’t be effective for pain relief but, in fact, small is big.

You can relax your lower back with gentle, subtle movements.  In fact, that may be the BEST way to find muscle pain relief.

Painful or aching back muscles could be kind of ‘stuck’ and you cannot force them to relax.  They are contracted.  But you might be able to gently guide them into relaxation.

Here’s some background:

When you were born you were curled into a rounded-back position, kind of like a little ball.   After a little while you began to stretch your arms and legs.  Then you rolled over and arched your back in the opposite direction of that newborn position.

You pushed up with your arms and lifted your head.  Why?

You were preparing the muscles around your spine and torso to walk!  You were creating the natural curves in your back that you needed.  If you have ever really looked at a little child, you have seen those curves.

But now you have lower back pain.

You may have lost Continue reading Gentle Movement Will Help Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain
