Massage is wonderful for relieving all kinds of back pain and I recommend therapeutic massage for almost every type of physical pain.
Why? Because it works!
Massage is old medicine. Very old. It’s used all over the world for a wide variety of ailments as a medical treatment. I even met a doctor from a European country who was trained do to massage in medical school.
But sometimes when you go to a massage therapist your back pain doesn’t go away.
Maybe it feels better for a short time, or even just while the therapist is working on your painful area. (Or not.) But, it comes right back. Or, it is back within just a few hours.
When that has happened with any of my clients, I told them what that meant.
That meant I was wrong about the cause of their symptom (their pain.) It means I didn’t work on the muscles or soft tissue that was the true cause of their pain. That means we have to try again.
You see, there can be more than one cause.
The unfortunate thing is, many massage therapists only know how to do a relaxation-type massage. Relaxation or stress-reduction massages can be really great, but…
When you have pain, a relaxation massage probably won’t give you much benefit. In fact, you may be very disappointed.
So, if you have upper back pain and want relief you will have to find a massage professional who “knows his or her stuff.” Someone who can Continue reading Why Didn’t Therapeutic Massage Get Rid Of Your Upper Back Pain or Knot?