Tag Archives: low back muscle pain relief

How Do Muscles Cause Lower Back Pain And How Can You Fix Them

Injury and muscle imbalances are the two most common causes of lower back pain. Muscle imbalances can cause you to have poor posture.  Poor posture is also called “forward head posture” and “collapsing posture.”  This causes pain.

Poor posture includes incorrect positioning of the pelvic bones and either too much or too little curvature in the spine. This causes increased wear and tear on your joints, muscles, ligaments and your spinal discs.  This happens because muscles move bones.

NOTE:  If you have loss of bowel or bladder control with your low back pain that can mean a medical emergency, so get to the Emergency Room in a hospital as quickly as possible.

What are the most common lower back pain treatments?

The most common treatment by doctors and Continue reading How Do Muscles Cause Lower Back Pain And How Can You Fix Them
