Tag Archives: muscle strain in neck

How Sitting Causes Pain In Your Upper Back

Can something as simple as sitting cause upper back pain?

Yes.  Here’s how:

Let’s say you are in your nice comfy recliner.  And let’s say you are reading.  Or doing hand work.  Or using your laptop.

Where is your head?

That’s right.  It is sticking out in front of your body.

When you sit like that often enough your muscles get used to it.  And then no matter Continue reading How Sitting Causes Pain In Your Upper Back


Common Causes of Upper Back Muscle Strain

What’s causing the muscle strain in your upper back?

What causes that achy miserable feeling in your neck and upper back?

More importantly, what can you do to get rid of it?

When muscles get stretched too far too often, they complain.  That aching feeling in your upper back and neck muscles is giving you a message:  “Quit Stretching Me, Already, Okay?  Hey, Are You Listening?  Or Do I Have To Get Louder?

But muscles can’t really talk so they send messages along the pain telegraph.

So what exactly are you doing to stretch those back and neck muscles too much too often?  Here’s how:

When you were Continue reading Common Causes of Upper Back Muscle Strain
