Tag Archives: upper back knots

How To Get Rid Of Knots In Your Upper Back

I woke up with a knot in my back just the other day.  I must have slept crooked.   It’s amazing how we can do damage to ourselves even in our sleep!

I could also feel pulling on my hip bone as well as the front of my neck and had pain in the back/top of my head and tenderness under my arm when I pressed on it.

I pressed into all of those areas and I also pressed into the muscles on and along my breastbone.  I used the “shotgun approach” (pressing everywhere) since I wasn’t sure what exactly started it.  My knot was gone by the end of the day.

And, you see, finding the CAUSE of your knot is a big part of the battle.

That’s why I created the Knots In Your Back program for natural relief.  (<– click here.)

And since everything in your body is attached, every part has an effect on every other part.

Using pressure on Continue reading How To Get Rid Of Knots In Your Upper Back
