Massage therapy can be excellent natural medicine for upper back pain.
Massage usually feels good and is good for you, too. It boosts your immune system, improves your circulation and can even get rid of pain.
Therapeutic massage can help get rid of upper back pain when it’s directed to helping you regain muscular balance. That means the therapist will help normalize muscles that are too tight or too weak.
Upper back pain is most often caused by muscles that are strained or stretched. It could be from your work or relaxation habits or postures. It could be from holding that cute newborn baby.
Anything that causes you to be in a “forward head” posture can lead to upper back muscle strain…and pain.
Strain (being over-stretched) makes the muscles crabby and they cause discomfort just to let you know how unhappy they are.
A good massage therapist can seek out those crabby muscles and help them relax. The therapist will work on other muscles, too, not just the crabby ones. Massage can help them get back to normal, pain-free functioning.
Ice is another good treatment for upper back pain. Cold packs can help the muscles relax and reduce the discomfort. Heat on the tops of your shoulders may help, too.
And here’s something else to consider: Upper back pain is generally caused by something.
That ‘something’ might be the way you slept with your head tilted or the way you sat in a meeting or when using the computer.
Or that ‘something’ might be your poor posture.
All of those things are correctable and massage can be the tool that helps you get rid of your upper back pain more quickly.
Would you like to know more about getting rid of your upper back pain–forever? Click here: Knots In Your Back Gone!